Thursday, March 20, 2008

from your lips

How messy we were
Stealing from someone else
Our secret language lurking
In liner notes.
Peeking through prom dresses.
Getting in with our passports.
Klonipin in back pockets.
Cocaine in purses.
Crushed into the corners.
Under our nails.
You were supposed to be my wife and
I was supposed to be your wife
And there could've been more
Games to play after that.
You were always so demanding
it was so unfair to me
How easily bored you can be.
But, these are our secrets.
I have written you a thousand poems
since you've been gone
And this is the first
I have left for you to find.
And we were just two girls leaning,
One foot up,
Against a brick wall
Smoking the same cigarette.

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